Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Holiday Travel

Here is a great little article with some helpful travel tips for traveling around the holidays!
I've even been quoted in this one! Yay!
Check out these suggestions:

Before Leaving Home
The watch words from Travel Leaders experts are simple: "Be Prepared."

•Protecting the Home Front
•Keep Copies of Important Items
•Confirm Departures
•Checking-In Online
•Travel Fully Charged
•Dress Comfortably

Airport Arrival
While Travel Leaders experts agree on many of the strategies outlined, one piece of advice was voiced more than any other: "Get to the airport early."
•Increase Minimum Advance Time -- "No matter what the guidelines tell you, make sure you're at the airport well in advance," advises Melissa Gutting (Travel Leaders, River Falls, WI). "The normal recommended time is 90 minutes for domestic travel and 2 hours for international travel. When traveling around the holidays, plan on 2 hours for domestic and 3 hours for international. It's not worth it to add the stress of running late into the mix of all the other added stress building at the airports
•Airport Check-In

Airport Security
Over the past year, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has implemented its new Secure Flight Rule, which theoretically should not impact the airport security screening process. However, Travel Leaders experts have practical advice for further speeding up the process.
•Know TSA's Rules Before You Go
•Match Your ID with Reservation
•Know Your Carry-On Restrictions
•Minimize Security Procedures

Beyond Security
•Remain Alert
•Staying Healthy
•Keeping Kids Happy – "If you're traveling with children, bring snacks, bring games – anything to help keep them entertained so they don't feel the stress of holiday travel," explains Gutting, who adds, "Happy kids bring happy parents."Patel also suggests, "Hand-held games, books, coloring books and crayons are good ideas and easy to carry. Be sure you have extra batteries for electronics. Don't forget about you. Bring along that book or magazine you've been meaning to read, load up your iPod with holiday tunes or some of your favorite songs."
•Boarding Your Flight – "Expect to 'gate check' carry-on bags on the jet way," cautions Gray, who adds, "The airlines do not charge these bags as a checked luggage.""Are you flexible on your travel times or dates?" asks Gutting. "If so, tell the airlines that. Most of the flights around the holidays are flying in a sold-out situation, or perhaps an oversold situation where they will be looking for people to give up their seats. When you arrive at the counter for check-in, you can put yourself on this list, and be eligible for any vouchers or bumps or first class upgrades that become available, just for being flexible." But beware – always be sure to ask when the next flight they can confirm you for departs.
•Once On Board

Patience Is a Virtue
"Expect the unexpected," urges Anderson. Janowski is quick to add, "If a situation arises where you need airport personnel assistance, be pleasant."

"One of the first things I advise my clients to do when travelling during the holiday season is to remember the reason that they are running this 'Gauntlet of Holiday Travel' – to spend time with family and friends to create new memories," reminds Lederle."Remember, no matter how hard you try, there are going to be things you cannot control, like the weather, traffic and long lines," cautions Patel. "Recognize this now and remember that patience is truly a 'virtue.' Remember, patience is the key."

"Be flexible and be prepared," advises Elaine C. Goad, CTC, ACC (Travel Leaders, Tyler, TX)."Flights can be full and people can be cranky. Just don't join in the cranky crowd – it is the holidays. Be happy!"

"Keep your sense of humor and when all else fails, remember to give thanks for even having the opportunity to travel and visit family and friends," offers Lederle. "There are many who are not as fortunate."

Monday, November 2, 2009

Head to Barbados!

Have you been to Barbados yet?
Eat it
Drink it
Shop for it
Cook it yourself

Thank you to the LA Times, for this very fun article on one of my favorite destinations in the Caribbean....
CLICK HERE to read the full article

Barbados does make the belly happy!!!!