Tuesday, September 8, 2009

World Perks will now be Sky Miles

For those of us lucky enough to be in the midst of this 'integration' (is what they're calling it), updates are much needed, as there is some very confusing and conflicting information out there!!!

Here is the latest info, that will hopefully clarify how our World Perks accounts will become Sky Miles accounts...... This came from an email from Northwest Airlines.

"In October, the WorldPerks program will officially merge into the SkyMiles program. At this time, you will receive a new SkyMiles account number which will be sent to you via e-mail and in a new SkyMiles Program welcome kit that you will receive in the mail. Your existing WorldPerks status and account information will be transferred into your new SkyMiles account, including your redeemable, Elite qualifying and lifetime mileage balances. This mileage deposit into your new SkyMiles account will be considered activity, which extends your 24-month mileage expiration date. Moving forward, as long as you have any qualifying earning or redemption activity in the account at least once every 24 months, your miles will never expire."

So as you can see.........

Please refer back to my previous blog posting:

YES, your frequent flyer miles will expire.
The answer to that question is YES!!!!!!!
So make sure you're proactive and are preventing this from happening! Buy a flower or a magazine or something to keep those accounts active. That's the last thing you'd want is for all of those precious miles to expire right out from under your nose!!

Now the posing question...... when does the ticker start for this '2 year' expiration? Does it begin when you get your Sky Miles account, or does it date back to when you were a World Perks Member........stay tuned, hopefully we can find the answer together.

Clear as mud.....

As always!

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