Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Northwest World Perks to Delta Sky Miles

OK, so you've received a hundred different promos from the Delta American Express, but did you receive your NEW Delta Sky Miles number?

You should have, or will be shortly, they started sending all the new numbers out in October!!!

If you had a Northwest World Perks number, and did NOTHING with it. You didn't bite on any of their little promos they offered, you just sat on your number. (I did too actually....) Then you were automatically issued a new number with Delta Sky Miles and you need to do nothing more.

Well, other than let your travel agent know, as we keep records of all of this stuff for you....

Were you one of those that already had a Delta Sky Miles number, and are now wondering what to do??? Let's say you have a NW number and a Delta number...... Then the merge happened.....

This will not automatically happen for you!
You must merge your accounts.....
Here is the website:

Confusing as usual!!!
But the basics are: If you have 2 Delta Sky Miles numbers now, you need to merge them, they will not automatically merge.

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